Online tracking and reporting

Comprehensive tracking and reporting throughout the data access process is available to data providers via our custom online management tools.


Data providers can now view all their Data Access Requests (DARs) using DARonline. Features include: 

  • user-friendly navigation
  • application summary generation
  • view all pending data access requests

We developed AppTracker to help us to efficiently track our research projects. Data providers may also use AppTracker to view project information such as:

  • project expiry dates
  • research team members
  • data releases
  • data storage location

Our online documentation system allows data providers to view summary statistics on the data that we hold, such as frequency over time. Data providers may also view the current documentation we have on the data.






Secure data handling & storage

Secure data handling

Data Access Request (DAR) Management

a hand moving cogs

Data linkage (Trusted Third Party)

maps, pictures of people, graphs on black background

Online tracking & reporting

A woman looking at a chart on a computer screen