Call for Proposals to Access Data from the Provincial Overdose Cohort – Spring 2021

This Call for Proposals to access the Provincial Overdose Cohort has closed.

BCCBC logoThe BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC), together with a range of provincial partners, established the Provincial Overdose Cohort to identify risk factors and trends in health care utilization related to the overdose public health emergency, with a view to inform and support the overdose response in the province.

The research community in British Columbia (BC) has been a key partner in promoting data-driven public health policy as part of the provincial response to the overdose public health emergency.

To continue this collaborative approach in addressing the overdose crisis, BCCDC is issuing a Call for Proposals from researchers interested in accessing the Provincial Overdose Cohort data, which will be made available through Population Data BC (PopData).

> more information on the data access process for the Provincial Overdose Cohort

Suggested Research Themes

While all proposals with the potential to inform the overdose response will be considered, some important knowledge gaps have been identified as priorities for the Data Stewards. These priorities include:

  • Access to Health Care Services
  • Health Care Utilization
  • Rural vs Urban Differences
  • Protective Factors to Overdose

> see complete list of priorities and potential research topics


The cost of accessing and analyzing the Cohort data is the responsibility of the applicant, as well as the completion of Indigenous data governance training (e.g. Fundamentals of OCAP® available here).

Up to 5 fee waivers will be available for approved proposals. The fee waiver would cover:

  • The DAR coordination fees
  • 1 year of SRE access for up to 3 users

The fee waiver would not cover:

  • Indigenous data governance or cultural safety/humility training for those accessing the Cohort data


For questions related to the application and approval process, please contact the PopData Data Access Unit via

For further information about data contained in the Provincial Overdose Cohort, please contact Chloé Xavier

How to submit your Proposal

Proposals should be submitted using the PopData DARonline system as a Data Access Request (DAR). You will find DARonline on the my.popdata website under the Researcher Tools tab. You will need a my.popdata account to login. If you don't already have an account, you may register for one here.

PLEASE NOTE: Only the following sections of the DAR require completion. DO NOT COMPLETE ANY OTHER SECTION.

  • Section 1: Project Title
  • Section 2: Research team memberships and academic affiliations
  • Section 3: Funding source(s) for the work (i.e. public or non-public funds).  Always include the CV for the Principal Investigator
  • Section 5:
    • Question 1: Timeline and knowledge mobilization activities
    • Question 2: Your research question
    • Question 3: Methodology
    • Question 4: Explanation of how the Provincial Overdose Cohort and Reference Cohort data will be used to meet the stated research objectives
    • Question 5: A description of how your research could contribute to B.C.’s response to the Public Health Emergency
  • Section 7:  Select “Provincial Overdose Cohort Data” from the drop-down menu.
  • Section 10: Under “Provincial Overdose Cohort Data”, select the option for submitting a research proposal for accessing ODC data.
  • Section 15: After completion of the above sections, submit to the PopData Data Access Unit.

Download this PowerPoint presentation for an overview of the data application process for the ODC.


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