Secure Research Environment (SRE) Services Cost Estimate Request Form

Thank you for your interest in Population Data BC (PopData). We would be pleased to provide a cost estimate for our Secure Research Environment services to accompany your grant application and/or to assist you in budgeting for storage and software line items for your project.

Please note that the cost estimate is not a formal estimate; we will provide you with a formal cost quote after consultation and upon confirmation that you will move forward with our SRE services.

In order for us to put together an SRE services cost estimate, please complete this form. DO NOT complete this form if you have already completed (or are planning to complete) a Data Access Feasibility and Cost Estimate form for your Data Access Request (DAR). This form is intended for projects requesting SRE services ONLY.

We ask for your personal information so that we can provide you with the service below and we do not sell, rent or otherwise share or disclose your private, personally identifiable information to third parties. By using this Site, you agree to the terms and conditions contained in the website Privacy Policy and Conditions of Use and/or any other agreement that we might have with you.


General details

Research project details

How long is the grant for which you are applying?

SRE Services

For how many years will you need SRE access?
How many of your team will require SRE access?
How much space do you require?
How many data transfers will be required for the duration of the project?
Data is uploaded to the SRE via Secure File Transfer to Population Data BC administrators who then place the data on the SRE. Will your data be uploaded one time only or do you anticipate multiple refreshes to the data? Please state the number of expected uploads/data transfers.

Data sources

Do you have permission from the organisation (Data Steward) that has provided you with the data to use the data in the SRE?
IMPORTANT: It is your responsibility to ensure that you have the permissions necessary from the relevant Data Steward(s) to allow the data for your project to be moved to Population Data BC's Secure Research Environment.

Document uploads

We are temporarily unable to facilitate document uploads. Upon submission of this form, a member of our Data Access Unit will contact you with regard to providing proof of Data Steward permission to store data on the SRE.