Archive project: Does health care support independence or threaten it: a population-based person specific analysis of patterns of use by seniors

Principal investigator:  Morris Barer
Institution: University of British Columbia
Funding agency:  BCHRF and NHRDP/SIRP

Data sets requested

  • Medical Services Plan (BC Ministry of Health)
  • Consolidation file (Medical Services Plan Premium Registration and Billing) (BC Ministry of Health)
  • Hospital Separations (BC MInistry of Health)
  • Deaths (BC VItal Statistics Agency)


Journal articles

Evans RG, McGrail KM, Morgan SG, Barer ML, Hertzman C (2001) "Apocalypse no: Population aging and the future of health care systems" Canadian Journal on Aging 20(Suppl 1):160-191, Summer

McGrail KM, Evans RG, Barer ML, Sheps SB, Hertzman C, Kazanjian A (2001) "The quick and the dead: "Managing" inpatient care in BC hospitals, 1969 - 1995/96" Health Services Research 35(6):1319-1338

Sheps SB, Reid RJ, Barer ML, Krueger H, McGrail KM, Green B, Evans RG, Hertzman C (2000) "Hospital downsizing and trends in health care use among elderly people in British Columbia" Canadian Medical Association Journal 163(4):397-401, 22 August

McGrail KM, Green B, Barer ML, Evans RG, Hertzman C, Normand C (2000) "Age, costs of acute and long term care and proximity to death:evidence for 1987/88 and 1994/95 in British Columbia" Age and Ageing 29:249-253

Meddings DR, Marion SA, Barer ML, Evans RG, Green B, Hertozman C, Kazanjian A, McGrail KM, Sheps SB (1999) "Mortality rates following cataract extraction" Epidemiology 10(3):288-293

Meddings DR, Hertzman C, Barer ML, Evans RG, Kazanjian A, McGrail KM, SHeps SB (1998) "Socioeconomic Status, Mortality and the Development of Early Cataract" Social Science and Medicine 46(11):1451-1457


McGrail KM, Clark M, Reid RJ, Hertzman C, Barer ML, Evans RG (2001) "Decline or fall? Aging and loss of independence" presented to Capital Health Region, 25th July

McGrail KM, Clark M, Reid RJ, Hertzman C, Barer ML, and Evans RG (2001) ""Decline or fall? Aging and loss of independence" presented to Vancouver/Richmond Health Board, 28th June

Evans RG, Barer ML, Hertzman C, Sheps SB, McGrail KM, Kazanjian A (1997) "Closer to Home or Closer to Chelm? The Effects of Hospital Downsizing on Health Service Utilization by BC Seniors" presented to Canadian Association on Gerontology, 26th Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting, 25 October

Meddings DR, Barer ML, McGrail KM, Green B, Evens RG, Hertzman C, Sheps SB, Kazanjian A (1996) "Changing Patterns of health Servicing: Cataract Surgery and Day Surgery Utilization in the Elderly" presented to Canadian Association of Gerontology, 25th Annual Scientifc and Educational Meeting, Quebec City, PQ, 19th October

McGrail KM, Barer ML, Evans RG, Hertzman C, Kazanjian A, Sheps SB, Green B (1996) "Unequal Death: Health Services Utilization in the Last 24 months of Life" presented to the Canadian Association of Gerontology, 25th Annual Scientifc and Educational Meeting, Quebec City, PQ, 18th October

Hertzman C, Barer ML, Evans RG, Sheps, SB, Kazanjian A, Green B, McGrail KM (Effects of BC Health Reform: Using Linked Data to Track the Care of Seniors" Canadian Association of Gerontology, 24th Annual Scientifc and Educational Meeting, Vancouver, BC, 27th October


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