Archive project: Predictors of hospitalization during the last year of life

Principal investigator:  Robert Hogg
Institution: University of British Columbia
Funding agency:  N/A

Data sets requested

  • Medical Services Plan (BC Ministry of Health)
  • Consolidation file (Medical Services Plan Premium Registration and Billing) (BC Ministry of Health)



Weber AE, Low-Beer S, Yip B, Schechter MT, Montaner JSG, O'Shaughnessy MV, Hogg RS (1999)  "Determinants of hospitalization for persons with HIV-disease in the Vancouver-Richmond Health Region" presented at the VIII Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research, Victoria, May 1-May 4, Canadian Journal of Infectious Disease 10 (Suppl B): 49B

Hogg RS, Weber AE, Yip B, O'Shaughnessy MV, Montaner JSG, Schechter MT (1998) "Determinants of hospitalization in a population-based HIV/AIDS drug treatment program" presented at the VII Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research, Quebec City, April 30 - May 3 Canadian Journal of  Infectious Disease 9(A): 47A


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